March 21 - April 19 " I am "

ARIESdogs are energetic, easy going, easily excitable and love to go to new places. Most likely, this ARIESdog will have a well-formed head, but may be prone to injuries to this area. They tend to look for love in all the wrong faces, soooo, if pedigreed - keep them inside.

April 20 - May 20 " I have "

In other words, I own or try to own, whoever or whatever TAURUSdog comes in contact with. This dog can be both fierce and gentle. Say no when this dog is busy and you will be ignored. When it wants to go left you probably will, as the stubbornness of this critter is quite strong. A thick, soft, luxurious comfy dog bed will be treasured. TAURUSdogs have prominent necks and pleasant sounding barks.

   May 21 - June 20 " I think "

GEMINIdogs are great thinkers - you'll swear you can SEE them do it. Versatile and intelligent as they may be - they also tend to have a nervous temperament. GEMINIdogs are the ones who will make paths in your yard from their constant pacing and movements. Show GEMINIdog a jumping post and this athletic dog will thrill to the challenge.

  June 21 - July 22 " I feel"

CANCERdogs are so sensitive that they may respond to "the look" better than the "jerk". These are the chow hounds of the Zodiac, and as such are likely to have quirky tummies, and be roly-poly, elders. CANCERdogs may bay at the moon and/or be loony tunes during full moons. Keep the camera ready. CANCERdogs, while reveling in their home life may also intuitively anticipate their humans actions. They are also the supervisors of clearing the table.

  July 23 - Aug 22 " I will "

Not as in " I will do this", rather as " I will rule & conquer all" is more like it. LEOdog is dogmatic, powerful and bossy. They think this is their job. This trait of natural leadership can incite jealousy whether between dogs in the home or couples, with regard to who sleeps where. Beautiful and regal looking, this lion hearted pup seeks to be the center of everyone's attention. King or Queenie are fitting names.

   Aug 23 - Sept 22 " I analyze "

VIRGOdogs are reserved, polite good workers. Though they are discriminating about whom they will be nice to. Remember, dogs are better judges of character than people are, and the VIRGOdog is an expert - so listen to Virgo. VIRGOdogs will analyze crossing a room - it'll look around first, and move second. VIRGOdogs are also so modest that they will not poop if you watch. So stop looking.

   Sept 23 - Oct 22 " I balance "

Aplomb. Nice word for how LIBRAdogs handle themselves. Usually dogs of this sign are either drop dead beautiful or butt ass ugly. LIBRAdogs can be likened to the social butterfly - they like everyone they meet - even if they don't. LIBRAdogs make good breeding stock - they're so easy. Just don't try to get them to choose - they won't be able to. LIBRAdogs will always break a stare first. Take a close look at a female LIBRAdog, bet she flutters her lashes. If it's fun, a LIBRAdog will always be a part of it. Just don't get too serious - LIBRAdog will lose interest, and flit to the next fragrant lot party.

   Oct 23 - Nov 21 " I desire "

This dog invented the stare. The intensity of which can be soul shattering. Not a good thing to utter the word cookie unless you have one in your hand AND are willing to give it up. SCORPIOdogs are the ones that can dig out of a fenced area, even if it has a 2' deep concrete footer underground - they are that passionate about the escape. SCORPIOdogs never take no for an answer. They also tend to have urinary infections. Probably from just having to be one up on every marked spot ----the girls are just as bad.

   Nov 22 - Dec 21 " I see "

A SAGdog has to see it all. Leashless, Oh, Sag will stay close, if unleashed, but put a leash on and SAGdog must break out of it. SAGdogs love the chase so much, they just keep going even after they forget what they were chasing. SAGdogs do not like couches or houses for that matter - they love the outdoors. They thrive on exercise and are good at agility training, they love the challenges. If a balloon or a temper is going to explode … it will be at the eyeteeth of a SAGdog.

Dec 22 - Jan 19 " I use "

The patient, reserved CAPPYdog will use cunning instead of force to make you love Cappy. Even though this pup hides many insecurities, fame is very possible. CAPPYdogs rise to all opportunities. (tee hee) This is a dog with a body (read bone structure) to die for. Hell, for a CAPPY would be to be part of a breeding program, as they are one dog dogs. CAPPY's would rather lay around and watch TV…these are the '' couch potatoes'' of the zodiac…..with rawhide chips and cheese dip, please !

   Jan 20 - Feb 18 " I know "

The reason AQUARIUSdogs are know it all's is because of all those times their humans thought they were vegging out , AQdog was really making like a sponge, taking in all that they saw, analyzing and deciding what they like or don't like. If an AQdog decides not to like something - it is for a lifetime. Of all dogs, AQdog may be the most eccentric. All dogs love dog bisquits……AQdog will go nuts for fruit. They will be best friends with your goldfish, rather than another pet in the house. They may invent odd ways to let their humans know what they want. AQdogs possess a natural curious desire to checkout the entire planet……so follow the AQ.

   Feb 19 - Mar 20 " I believe "
Soulful eyes and pretty feet may well be the mark of the PISCESdog. And, cuddle is every PISCESdog's middle name. These are the original Velcro dogs of the Zodiac. If in the middle of doing something, the human decides to do something different, that is just fine with PISCESdog, as they thrive on changes. Thinking about going for a walk ? Before you move the first muscle to do so…. PISCESdog is already at the door waiting for you. If PISCESdog were human, it might be an alcoholic fortune teller. And be damn good at both…thank you very much.   Pass the beer here.