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well, this about takes the cake for me today ! !

I was reading, when I noticed ladyR licking the bathroom doorjamb,(is this so different than her feeling a line of the tile on the floor and getting pissed at it and stomping it?? or digging at it to make it flat?? of course not.) Then suddenly she we nt into my office (the dreaded computer room) and I could hear her nosing around, I figured she was looking for a piece of paper to steal, when the light went on, it scared the heck out of her, she jumped backwards in surprise, her ass hit the door, the d oor hit the wall and bounced and hit her in the ass again. She promptly did a side flip into the hall, and barked at the door, then looked at me , as if to say ''How'd you do that ???''


Then a few hours later, we went to the pet (goody) store, where she picked out 3 new toys. One of them is a black and white ball, bigger than the ones I usually get but still fits in her mouth, but , this one, she soccers it , as opposed to flinging or chasing it. Well, she and her Dad turned in at about 8, round about 1 a.m. she walks out of the bedroom - straight to her toy box, gets the ball, and goes right back to bed, without so much as a hello for me. At 2, my daughter comes home from boyfriends house, and out comes ladyR with the ball in her mouth, she kisses daughter, picks the ball up and goes to bed again. Go figure ! !

Gina's Room

ladyR enters rooms, and closes the door behind her. . . .much to my chagrin ! Whenever I hear no noises for 10 + minutes, I have to go find her. . . . her favorite. . .is going into my bedroom. . .close door. . . Then, she goes into the master bath (mine) and closes the door. . with all of the goodies to sniff, alone, t o her heart's content. This scene is played, no less than 5 times a day, lately. This morning, however, fear and surprise, changed it a little. . . .she entered daughter's room, closed the door, at which point daughter, Screamed - - ladyR ! Open that door ! and get OUT of my Room ! ! ! At which point. . . . . ladyR did exactly as she was told ! ! What a Dane ! ! !>/P>


omigod! ! ! ! I cannot believe what happened yesterday.... I got a phone call that I had to pay insurance fast...or be canceled... so ladyR and I went over to the office real fast, to prevent this. The insurance gal hadn't seen ladyR in quite some time, and insisted upon doing so right then...... so we went out to the car...... the gal waited by the office door.... I opened the back door, and ladyR got out of the car.... and the next I knew.... I was flying ! She spied a Doberman and LUNGED at it in the most gigantic leap I have ever seen her take......and was on it immediately ! There had been a man standing behind the dobe.....I saw him jump a foot off the ground and haulass back into the store.... with growls, and spit flying...she jerked me around like I was a sack o potatoes ! ........meanwhile the insurance gal is a crossin her ankles... while a holding her crotch and laughing like crazy !

........it was a statue.....holding the door.....open.

Oreo cometh.

Oreo is now, due to foreseen circumstances, MY little danebaby. She lives and loves in my home now. Hubby is the biggest surprise of all....he said, and I quote, '' gee, having 2 isn't bad at all'' ....though, I did remind him that it was '' I '' who tried to get a pup when ladyR was 6 months old. Now, as most of you know...ladyR is a skairdy cat, loud noises, unusual sounds send her a shakin and a shiverin to the bed, under the covers....till I rescue her. 2 yrs ago I bought hubby a neat massage mat that he can set upon after working his weary bones all day making the millions it takes to keep all his 6 girl s in style [the fella deserves a massage mat, don't ya think?].....anyway, ladyR is terrified of the damn thing - it makes vibrating noises...she scrams till he is on a different couch, and she is sure it is off. And that the wire that makes it work is hi dden.


......while nosying around in my closet....she finds a .....pillow....WOW! great new toy......and all of a sudden like....there are Danes a zippin through my house, from one end to the other...and back....and forth....when I notice in an instant....a look of pure T E R R O R in ladyR's eyes....just as Oreo plows into her ass from behind...sending the quivering ladyR to the floor at my feet...whini ng !!!!! ......and there stands Oreo (the devil herself) with her mouth clamped down firmly on the pillow.....did I mention that it is a......massage pillow? And all Oreo was doing was following ladyR....with it vibrating........ I did not make it to the ladies room. Soooo, anybody want to make wagers on hubby's response when I ask for a 3rd ?

The Mistress Of Doom...

Yesterday, while on the patio watching the girls....so that Oreo doesn't escape through the screen by way of paw, again.... I hollered NO, when she started to drink from a puddle...at which time ladyR charged her, growling. Oreo retreated from the puddle - fast! This went on for each and every puddle on the patio, me hollering, ladyR charging the kid. Not one family member believed me when I told them that ladyR has assumed a disciplinary position with the kid. Well...today, poolside, Oreo insisted upon going in the pool even though she was told no....hubby got pissed, due to having told her no at least ten times, and he hollered NO...ladyR lunged at her growling...the kid left the poolside, and hubby now believes me. BTW - ladyR has also become the peepee agent in the house, she sniffs the air...and goes right to the spot the kid left..... .......and Oreo still adores her ! ! ! p.'s. the reason Oreo is not allowed in the pool unless accompanied by an adult....is because today she saw a bird fly over, and stopped paddling to watch it......and sank.... in the deep end ! ! !

ladyR and Oreo - 4 months together

They just discovered the ''staring'' game. They actually play with each other, they scheme and calculate distances to zoom past each other....Oreo tries to run around pool, ladyR blocks the north end - O goes south, on the west side of pool, ladyR blocks to the south on the east side - they do this for 10 minutes at a time - back and forth...I love it and hope that one day, they will let me play too!

They LOVE each other...for real...and 'tis a joy to behold.

They eat off of the same rib, take turns catching treats without hogging in on each other, both come for kisses. ladyR just doesn't play with me anymore....she has Oreo now. ladyR is alpha....'cept when she lets the baby be it....for 5 minutes a day. And even though, I bet I have 30 bones/toys in the house..... they must play with the same one - that being , whichever one the other has...Oreo is a sneaky little thief I swear ladyR smiles when the kid makes off with it. They sleep together on ''their'' side of our danebed, ladyR under the covers, the kid on top. Oreo has recently started to miss me when I am gone...she waits on the couch till I return....guess there is hope yet that she will love me.....she mugs me up every morning in bed, lots o kisses, but, fool I am not...she just wants my spot. And talk ??? They could be a choir ! Found out the other night that my Caddy is plenty big for 2 Danes.... there just isn't any room left for the take-out food I picked up.... Oreo kept whacking it with her foot - aww hell, it all goes to the same place anyway...right?


Well folks...today was the day! We finally closed on the doghouse. Our friends think we are nutty to spend 250k on a place for the dogs....but we do get to enjoy some of it. Also, just as soon as Oreo's puppy zoooomies stop, we will be able to keep the furniture in one spot. (she actually dented a wall zooming into the couch and it sliding into the wall)

The previous owners didn't paint....so we have to.

They didn't fix the leaky roof....so we have to.

They didn't replace the old decrepit air conditioner.....so we have to.


We now own it.....and only have to worry about the '' nasty'' neighbor on the other side. Lovely.


The pool is great.....and ladyR loves to sun bathe by it........ while my sweetie baby Oreo makes my entire patio....allllll wet splashing in it.

The only thing we have to add to it..is a 3' high alligator fence at the waters edge....and a BBQ, which will be complete by the 4th...which is good, considering that we bought the BBQ for hubby for his B-day in April....he still hasn't opened the box yet, he is busy tiling the concrete counter to drop it into....it has turned out to be very unique. Oh, and I get a kennel type run and a dooley thingy, with access from the inside of the house....anyone need some 30' leads?

The bed was completed just prior to the closing - the triple king. Now I just have to finish the comforter. Had to buy 2, and cut 1 in half. Yes....it is alot of money to spend on a doghouse....but they look smashing in it.....they both match the decor.......black and white.

p.s. no, we did not get any land with the house, that was an extra.

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